Privacy Policy

I. About Visit Tallahassee and Privacy

Visit Tallahassee, also known as the Leon County Division of Tourism, is the Official Tourism Marketing Organization for Leon County, Florida. It is a department of Leon County Government. is the official website of Visit Tallahassee.

Our postal address is:
106 E. Jefferson Street
Tallahassee, FL 32301

We can be reached via e-mail at

About Privacy

Your privacy is important to Visit Tallahassee, and we will treat any of your personally identifiable information – “Information” – with care.

Our Privacy Statement lets you know how we handle Information you share with us through our digital and printed communication vehicles.

II. Privacy Statement (“Privacy Statement”)


This Privacy Statement explains how we collect and handle the Information you share with Visit Tallahassee through visiting our website, sweepstakes and promotional emails. It also describes our use of “cookies” and other tracking devices. It provides instruction regarding links to other websites, security of the information you provide and potential changes to the Privacy Statement. It provides contact information for questions and instructions for unsubscribing to our electronic communications.

Personal Information Collection

You may use our website and other forms of internet-based communications to learn about Visit Tallahassee products and services without disclosing any personal information beyond what you provided when requesting authorized Visit Tallahassee publications, both digital or printed. We may ask you to provide us with personal information to access or use certain features or if you request additional information Visit Tallahassee and/or our Partners. Information that may be requested by Visit Tallahassee includes: contact information, such as name, address, email address and telephone number; demographic information, such as household information, age group, etc., and information about your travel interests.

Personal Information Uses

Personal information that you provide may be used to reply to your requests, to update and improve content on our website or to assist with marketing research. Such information includes, but is not limited to, survey responses, site registrations and information preferences, normally related to potential vacations in Leon County, Florida. This information is used to tailor communications to you, by authorized Visit Tallahassee communications entities.

Visit Tallahassee will never sell your information. We will share your information ONLY with identified partners that are part of any sweepstakes or giveaway programs that are optional for users to enter for prizes and travel on our website, such as

Information (name, address and phone number) may also be shared with Visit Tallahssee’s contracted research firm, currently Downs & St. Germain Research, for a potential conversion study information as a result of requesting our Visitor Guide.

We may disclose your Information only as provided herein, or otherwise as provided by law.

Cookies and Other Tracking Devices

We may use “cookies” and other tracking devices on our website to allow us to measure site activity in aggregate, not on an individual level. This in turn allows us to provide a better user experience.

You can choose to refuse “cookies” – simply refer to your browser Help instructions to learn more about how to manage their use.

Links to Outside Websites

This site may contain links to third party sites not affiliated with or under the control of Visit Tallahassee, and as a result are not covered by this Privacy Statement. We recommend that you check the privacy statement of other sites you visit before providing any personal information.

Security of Information

Visit Tallahassee recognizes the importance of safeguarding personal information in our possession from theft, inappropriate use, or improper distribution. It should, however, be recognized that no company can perfectly protect personal information.

Privacy Inquiries

If you have concerns or questions regarding Visit Tallahassee’s consumer privacy practices or the Privacy Statement, please forward them to


You may unsubscribe to any Visit Tallahassee promotional email using the contact information listed above or through the unsubscribe link placed on all Visit Tallahassee electronic newsletters.

Changes to Privacy Statement

Visit Tallahassee retains the right to change this Privacy Statement. For your benefit, we will post changes to this page in a timely manner.

Hotel Reservations & Vacation Deals provides the availability to transact and reserve hotel accommodations through our website. We use a third-party service called BookDirect that displays hotel information on but manages any transactions directly through the property sites that users may book the reservations. Any and all data provided through this process is used and maintained by the individual properties to facilitate delivery of the hotel booking. Visit Tallahassee does not manage or service any hotel transactions made through and does not receive, or have access to, any credit card information submitted in the hotel transaction. Visit Tallahassee makes no representation as to the accuracy or reliability of the hotel offers being made, or of the values represented therein. Consumers wishing to take advantage of these offers are urged to use diligence in doing so and to understand that they do so at their own risk.